Black Spots (Lentigo) on Cat Gums, Nose and Eyelids

Black spots on cat nose

At a glance Also called: Age spots, liver spots, orange cat lentigo. About: Also known as lentigo, areas of hyperpigmentation develop on the lips, gums and eye rims. Symptoms: Flat, black spots on the eyelids, gums and lips of ginger, tortie and calico cats are common, they are the feline equivalent of freckles. Treatment: No … Read more

Gum Disease (Periodontitis) in Cats

Gum disease in cats

Gum disease in cats at a glance

  • About: Gum (periodontal) disease is an inflammatory infection that leads to the destruction of the supporting gums and bones.
  • Causes: It occurs when plaque, a sticky biofilm hardens to become tartar. Tartar collects under the gum line, forming pockets. Bacteria and inflammation in the affected area cause destruction of the surrounding tissue.
  • Symptoms: Bad breath, red or swollen gums, bleeding gums, reluctance to eat hard foods, loose or missing teeth.
  • Treatment: A thorough cleaning of the teeth to remove tartar and in some cases, dental extractions will be necessary.

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Lily Poisoning In Cats: Symptoms and Treatment

Lily toxicity in cats

Medically reviewed by Dr Sam Kovac BVSc (Merit) – Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic At a glance About: Lilies (Lilium and Hemerocallis) are a popular flower in bouquets but are deadly to cats. Ingestion causes nephrotoxicity (acute kidney failure). All parts of the plant are toxic. Clinical signs: Early symptoms include increased thirst and urination, vomiting, … Read more

Broken Tail in Cats

Broken tail in cats

A cat’s tail is an extension of the spine and accounts for 10% of all bones. It contains between 20-23 bones (caudal vertebrae). These segments are held together by a series of ligaments. The tail can become broken along any of these vertebrae. Car accidents, being pulled or stepped on, and shut in the door are the most common causes of broken tails.

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Bladder Stones in Cats

Bladder stones in cats

What are bladder stones?

Also known as uroliths or calculi, bladder stones are rock-like deposits in the urinary bladder. The cause of bladder stones is concentrations of certain minerals in the urine. The most common type is struvite, which accounts for 50% of stones, other types include calcium oxalate, ammonium urate, calcium-ammonium-phosphate, urate, cystine and compound (stones that contain different materials).

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Stud Tail in Cats

Stud tail in cats

What is stud tail? Also known as supracaudal gland hyperplasia or tail gland hyperplasia, stud tail is caused by hypersecretion of the glands in the supracaudal organ (an organ on the base of the tail). Sebaceous glands secrete oils (known as sebum) that lubricate the skin, preventing dryness and irritation. The sebaceous glands are mostly … Read more

Dehydration in Cats

Dehydration in cats

What is dehydration?

Dehydration (hypohydration) is a severe and potentially life-threatening condition that is defined as excessive loss of water and electrolytes (minerals such as sodium, chloride, and potassium) from the body.

Most animals are made up of around 60% water. When the water ratio falls 5% below normal, cats will start to show signs of dehydration.

Kittens, senior cats and cats with underlying medical conditions are at increased risk from dehydration.

Dehydration has three classes:

  • Mild dehydration: up to 5%
  • Moderate dehydration: 6 – 10%
  • Severe dehydration: 11% or more

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Hematuria (Blood in the Urine) in Cats

Hematuria in cats

Hematuria at a glance

  • About: Blood in the urine (hematuria) may be seen in the urine or picked up during a urine test. Hematuria may be due to a urinary tract disorder or a platelet disorder.
  • Symptoms: May not be apparent, or you may notice a red colour in the urine. Other symptoms will vary depending on the underlying cause.
  • Diagnosis: Baseline tests, diagnostic imaging, and blood clotting tests.
  • Treatment: Address the underlying cause.

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Meningitis in Cats

Meningitis in cats

Meningitis at a glance About: Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. Causes: Infection, medications, tumours, immune-mediated disorders and unknown causes. Symptoms: Lethargy, loss of appetite, neck stiffness, sensitivity to light, wobbly gait, disorientation, paralysis, coma. Treatment: The goal of treatment is to address the underlying cause and … Read more

Anal Sac Disease In Cats

Anal sac disease in cats

What is anal sac disease? Anal sac disease begins when the secretions of the anal glands become thickened and impacted which causes inflammation. If the anal sacs are not treated at this point, an infection may occur which could lead to an abscess. This, in turn, could eventually rupture through the adjacent skin. The anal … Read more