Water Bowls For Cats

Water bowls for cats

There are as many different types of water bowls available for cats as there are, well, cats.  Plastic, metal and china.  Round, square, oval.  Deep or shallow?  Automatic refill or water fountain?  So many choices for what is a cat essential.

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Cat to Cat Introductions – Tips on Introducing Cats

If the time has come for an addition to the feline family, introducing a new kitten to a single cat can be difficult. Cats are extremely territorial and often won’t easily allow a newcomer on their turf. Cats are also possessive and sharing their special person with another kitty isn’t easy. Most cats will feel that a new kitten threatens their security and domestic tranquillity won’t be immediate. A long adjustment period is to be expected.

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How To Pet A Cat

How to pet a cat

Cats are as unique as we are and they all have their own preferences when it comes to being petted. Some would be content with attention 24 hours a day, others have very little interest in being petted. It is up to us to read their body language and determine their own comfort levels.

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Cat Eyes: Anatomy, Function and Vision

Cat eyes

The senses consist of sight, hearing, smell and touch all of which combine to give your cat a window to the outside world. The eyes of the cat have evolved as that of a nocturnal predator. The eyes of the cat are large in relation to the skull and provide him with a wider field … Read more

Why Do Cats Purr?

Why do cats purr?

What is purring?

Purring is a sound all cat lovers have come to know and enjoy. It is not entirely understood how cats purr but it is believed to be the result of rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the voice box and diaphragm which creates pressure effects that result in turbulent airflow through the trachea. [1]

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A Kitten Can Leave Its Mother by 12 Weeks of Age – Dr. Cutler Explains

What age should a kitten leave its mother?

It’s tempting to want a kitten all to yourself soon after they’re born. But whether you’re adopting a kitten or placing kittens in a forever home, it’s important to know how old a kitten needs to be before leaving the care of their mom.

If a kitten leaves mom too early, they may develop health and behavioral issues later in life, says Dr. Janet Cutler, Ph.D., our Certified Cat Behaviorist. Here’s how old a kitten needs to be before leaving their mother—and why it’s so important.  

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Stress in Cats

Stress in cats

Do cats get stressed?

It may seem inconceivable to some but cats are prone to stress just like people. They can’t verbalise how they feel the way we can and suffer in silence.

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