Hookworms in Cats


Hookworms are small, thin nematodes that are approximately 1 to 2 mm long and live in the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine, where they use six hook-like teeth to attach to the intestinal wall. The hookworm feeds on mucosa and blood and an adult hookworm can consume up to 0.1 ml of blood every day, changing their point of contact every 4-6 hours. Hookworms secrete anticoagulants through their mouth and into the host’s bloodstream at the site of attachment. This prevents the blood from clotting at the feeding site, allowing the hookworm to continuously feed on the host’s blood. A heavy infestation can lead to anemia (low red blood cell count) due to blood loss.

Hookworms are a common intestinal parasitic worm of dogs, cats tend to harbour fewer numbers than dogs.

Types of hookworms

The most common types of hookworms to infect cats are Ancylostoma and Uncinaria, of which there are several species:

    • A. ceylanicum: Infects cats, dogs, golden hamsters and humans and is found in Asia and Australia.
    • A. braziliense: Infects cats, dogs, and occasionally humans and is found in tropical and subtropical regions of America and Asia.
    • A. tubaeforme:  Cat hookworm which is found worldwide.
    • U. stenocephala: Infects cats, dogs, foxes and humans and occurs in cool and temperate climates, including the United Kingdom.


Hookworm eggs pass into the environment via the cat’s stool. Depending on conditions, within 2 – 5 days these eggs hatch into infective larvae (immature worms), at this point, they can infect a passing cat.

  • Skin penetration (percutaneous): When a cat comes into contact with an environment infected with hookworm larvae which can penetrate the skin, from there, they migrate to the intestine where they mature.
  • Ingestion or inhalation: Cats can also become infected by ingesting infective third-stage larvae of uncinaria in the environment, during grooming or via contaminated water and food.
  • In utero: Worm eggs may be passed on from a bitch to her unborn puppies via the placenta. It hasn’t been established if this is the case with feline hookworms yet.
  • Transmammary: It is possible for hookworm larvae to pass from the bitch to her puppies via breast milk. When a dog becomes infected with hookworms most of them migrate to the small intestine. However, some enter other tissues of the body, where they remain dormant for years. During pregnancy, hormones reactivate encysted larvae, where they migrate to the mammary glands and out of the body through the milk. It hasn’t been established if this is the case with cat hookworms yet.

Once the cat comes into contact with infective larvae, they travel to the small intestine where they hook onto the wall and mature. Mature hookworms lay hundreds of eggs that pass out of the body via the feces. Hookworm eggs can survive for an extended period in the environment.

Clinical signs

Symptoms of hookworms vary depending on the severity of the infection and the type of hookworm involved. Some cats will remain asymptomatic.

  • Dark, tarry stools
  • Pale mucous membranes due to anemia
  • Diarrhea
  • Poor coat condition
  • Skin irritation, especially on the feet where hookworm larvae penetrate the skin
  • Weight loss
  • Stunted growth in kittens


The veterinarian will be able to diagnose hookworm via fecal flotation. A stool sample from your cat is mixed with a liquid solution, any eggs present in the feces float to the top which is collected and viewed under a microscope to determine the type (hookworm, roundworm etc.) as well as the number of eggs present.

Are hookworms dangerous to cats?

Hookworms are more prevalent in dogs than they are in cats, and when cats do have them, they are more likely to be in smaller numbers. Treat any worm infestations immediately. As hookworms feed on the cat’s blood, cats can become anemic. Adult cats are more resistant to hookworms than kittens.


There are several effective medications available to treat hookworms in cats that the veterinarian will be able to recommend. Most worming medications are available in topical (applied to the skin on the back of the neck) or tablet form. The following active ingredients are effective against hookworms.

  • Eprinomectin
  • Imidacloprid
  • Moxidectin
  • Pyrantel embonate
  • Piperazine citrate
  • Eprinomectin
  • Ivermectin
  • Milbemycin oxime
  • Fenbendazole

Medications are only effective against adult hookworms, therefore a repeat treatment at 2-3 week intervals will be necessary.

Severely infected kittens may require hospitalisation and blood transfusions to treat anemia.


  • Maintain a regular worming schedule as per instructions on the brand you are using. Worm all cats in the house at the same time.
  • Remove feces from litter trays twice a day.
  • Preventing hunting in cats.
  • If you do allow your cat to go to the toilet in your garden if they do clean up any feces quickly.
  • De-worm female cats two weeks before breeding and administer another dose late in pregnancy.
  • Worm kittens from two weeks and every two weeks until they are 12 weeks old.

Adults and children should avoid walking barefoot in areas that have animal feces.

Frequently asked questions?

Do indoor cats need to be treated for hookworms?

Even indoor cats are at risk of infection as eggs can be transported into the house on footwear.

Can I catch hookworms from my cat?

People can catch hookworms from cats (and dogs), although they can’t develop into the adult form as they do in cats. The infective larvae are found in the soil or sandy areas such as beaches or children’s sandpits and can penetrate the skin. From there they migrate beneath the surface, causing a red, itchy skin eruption. Commonly affected areas are hands, feet, between the toes and buttocks however they can migrate to the eyes, causing blindness, this condition is known as Cutaneous Larva Migrans (also called creeping eruption or ground itch). Hookworm larvae cannot complete their life cycle and die in the epidermis.

How long does it take to get rid of hookworms in cats?

Worming medications are effective and work rapidly to kill adult hookworms, however, most anthelmintics do not kill the larval stage, therefore a second treatment will be needed two to three weeks after administration of the first dose.

Can you see hookworms in cat’s poop?

It is not possible to see hookworm larvae or eggs without a microscope, adult hookworms are 1/8th inch, and difficult to see with the naked eye.

Home remedies for hookworms in cats

There are no safe or effective home treatments for hookworms. Veterinary products are the safest and most effective treatments.

Which medications treat hookworms in cats?

Advantage Multi, Aristopet, Centragard, Drontal, Exelpet, Heartgard, Milbemax, Panacur, Popantel, Purina Total Care and Revolution.

Can I use a dog worming product on my cat?

Never use a product designed for dogs on a cat unless instructed to do so by a veterinarian as many dog parasite treatments contain ingredients that are toxic to cats.


  • Julia Wilson, 'Cat World' Founder

    Julia Wilson is the founder of Cat-World, and has researched and written over 1,000 articles about cats. She is a cat expert with over 20 years of experience writing about a wide range of cat topics, with a special interest in cat health, welfare and preventative care. Julia lives in Sydney with her family, four cats and two dogs. Full author bio