How To Care For A Cat

Cats are a popular pet because they are relatively easy to care for, they don’t need a daily walk, they are clean and they don’t need a lot of space. They are mostly self-sufficient animals who require only a few basics to keep them happy, healthy and well cared for.


Pet cats depend on us for their nutrition. An adult cat requires two meals a day and/or dry food which can be left out at all times. The best food for your cat is cat food unless you are knowledgeable about feline nutrition and would rather prepare a homemade diet for your cat. There is a range of types of food to feed your cat, wet (including canned or raw) to dry (biscuits). You can purchase cat food from your supermarket, pet shop or veterinarian. In some cases, medical conditions may require your cat to go on a special diet. Read here for more information on what cats should eat.


Leave fresh clean water out at all times. Once a kitten has weaned, he does not need milk, which causes dietary intolerances in most cats.


Long-haired cats require regular grooming to get rid of loose hairs and prevent the fur from matting. Even short-haired cats benefit from a brush once a week to remove loose hair.


Cats need to be provided with a clean litter tray for them to use around the clock. The general rule of thumb is one litter tray per cat, plus one spare. There are many different types of litter tray from the basic rectangular box to covered trays, self-cleaning trays and even fancy ones that are hidden inside furniture.

Litter trays should be scooped of solids at least once a day and completely emptied and re-filled with clean cat litter once a week.

Cat scratching post

Cat trees

Cat trees and scratching posts are available in a range of sizes and shapes and is a must for your cat. All cats need to strop their claws and if they are not provided with a suitable cat tree or post, they will find somewhere else, usually your sofa or the carpet.


Keep cats indoors and away from dangers. Outside can be a dangerous place with dogs and cars a major cause of feline fatalities. May cat owners choose to build their cat an enclosure, which provides a safe outdoor area for your cat to play in.

If you do choose to keep your cat outdoors, shelter should be provided from the elements. At the very least, a small, waterproof dog kennel should be provided with a warm blanket for your cat to shelter from the cold and rain or snow.


Just like humans, cats differ in personality, some are more loving than others, but almost all cats need love to some degree. A warm lap to snuggle up on, a game, a conversation. Make sure you have time in your life to include your cat.


Cats need love and time with their caregivers. A cat who is going to spend a lot of time at home alone should have a feline companion.

Indoor cats particularly need to release some energy in the form of play. They especially like hunting type games followed by a meal and a nap.

Veterinary care

Prompt veterinary treatment is necessary when your cat becomes sick. A yearly visit to the vet to make sure everything is going well.

Vaccinate your cat every 1-3 years depending on your veterinarian’s recommendation and local council laws.

Middle-aged cats over seven should have a health check every 6 months.

Treatment for parasites

Common parasites to affect cats include worms and fleas. Even indoor cats can become infected and should be treated routinely. Your veterinarian is the best person to speak to about products to treat parasites. Common treatments are topical and tablets.


  • Julia Wilson, 'Cat World' Founder

    Julia Wilson is the founder of Cat-World, and has researched and written over 1,000 articles about cats. She is a cat expert with over 20 years of experience writing about a wide range of cat topics, with a special interest in cat health, welfare and preventative care. Julia lives in Sydney with her family, four cats and two dogs. Full author bio