Cat Grooming – How To Groom A Cat

It isn’t always necessary to groom a cat with a short coat; however, you may choose to for a show or just as a way to spend some time with your beloved feline.  Long-haired cats do need some maintenance, or their coat will quickly become matted.

Start from an early age, so your cat becomes accustomed to it. It should be an enjoyable experience for both you and the cat.

Advantages of grooming a cat:

A cat with a matted coat is extremely uncomfortable as the movement becomes restricted. Left for long enough, and you will require the assistance of a professional groomer or a veterinarian to sort out the problem.

Grooming also has the benefit of removing loose hairs and reducing the chances of your cat ingesting too much hair when he self-grooms, which then may lead to hairballs.

Brushing stimulates blood circulation to the skin, which creates healthier skin and coat due to an increased amount of sebaceous gland secretions.

Additional benefits of grooming can be that you can quickly discover any lumps and bumps your cat may have developed or the presence of parasites such as fleas and ticks.

Older cats especially may need help with grooming as advancing years can make it difficult for your cat to get into the required positions to groom himself properly.

How often should I groom my cat?

A daily groom for cats with long hair, this will only take 5 or 10 minutes.

Equipment needed:

  • Cat brush – This should be good quality, soft-bristled brush.
  • Cat Comb – The comb should be fine-toothed, to assist with combing out mats and knots.
  • Grooming mitt – The grooming mitt is a great option to use on shorthaired breeds of cats such as Siamese, Singapuras etc.

Cat grooming brushes and combs are readily available from your local pet store or supermarket.

How to groom your cat:

  • Begin at the head and work your way down to the tail. Brush your cat in the direction of the hair. Talk calmly to your cat as you are grooming. Regularly remove the dead hair from the brush and discard it. Be careful not to brush too hard; it should feel enjoyable to your cat, not painful.
  • Once you have brushed your cat all over, it is time to get out the comb. Again, move in the direction of hair growth.
  • If your cat isn’t enjoying being groomed, don’t push it. Start out brushing your cat for just a few minutes at a time, and let him give you feedback on how the experience is going if he doesn’t like it, back off and try again in a day or so. Offer small treats to your cat as he is being groomed.
  • Spraying a small amount of Feliway onto your hands before grooming can help calm down a nervous cat.
  • Take the time to examine your cat at the same time. Again, start from the head and work your way towards the tail. How are his teeth looking? Any signs of inflamed gums? Look in the ears for any signs of dirt or waxy build-up. Move down the legs and to the paws. Are they in good shape, are the claws entire? Do they need to be trimmed? Carefully inspect between the paw pads for signs of injury or ticks. Move along the body, feeling the belly and spine for lumps and bumps, and work your way down to the tail.

Bathing your cat

Bathing generally isn’t necessary unless your cat is particularly dirty, is going to a cat show or is undergoing treatment for parasites or skin disease. Most cats dislike water and attempting to bathe a cat is usually an unpleasant experience for all.

If you do decide to bathe your cat, you should use a shampoo designed for use on cats. Human shampoos can be too harsh on their delicate skin and can lead to skin problems. It is recommended you have a second person to help bathe a cat so that they can pass you shampoos, combs, towels etc.

Getting a professional

Sometimes, it is easier to take your cat to the groomer. They have the advantage of skills and expertise. If you have a cat who especially dislikes being groomed, he may require sedation before being groomed. This will need to be administered by a licensed veterinarian.

If the coat has become too matted, your cat may need to be shaved.

Cat claw care

It is important to keep your cat’s claws trimmed, again, this is something that really should be introduced to your cat from an early age, so he is used to it. Indoor cats especially are prone to developing overgrown nails, and nails should be looked at every two weeks and trimmed back as necessary. Read here for information on how to trim cat claws.


  • Julia Wilson, 'Cat World' Founder

    Julia Wilson is the founder of Cat-World, and has researched and written over 1,000 articles about cats. She is a cat expert with over 20 years of experience writing about a wide range of cat topics, with a special interest in cat health, welfare and preventative care. Julia lives in Sydney with her family, four cats and two dogs. Full author bio